RAK Main Project
Target Type: Intrusion-hosted gold | |
Location: Yukon & Northwest Territories, Canada |

The Rak Main property is located within the Tombstone Gold Belt in western Northwest Territories, along the border with Yukon. The property consists of three mineral claims that cover gossanous sediments and part of the Tsichu Pluton, a Tombstone suite intrusive.
The property has had a limited exploration history with only one historic assessment report documenting work in the area.
In 2023, Rackla conducted a short reconnaissance program on the property consisting of stream sediment sampling and prospecting. The stream sediment sampling returned generally high arsenic values with scarce low gold and bismuth anomalies. Prospecting identified veins with an arsenic-bismuth±gold signature, typical of Reduced Intrusion-related Gold Systems.
Property Tenure
Rackla Metals staked the Rak Main property claims in the NWT in August 2023 and owns 100% of the mineral claim rights. The property consists of three mineral claims measuring 1,623 hectares.

Geological Setting
The property is underlain by Paleozoic clastic sediments that have been intruded by the Tsichu Pluton. The Tsichu Pluton is a Tombstone Suite intrusion and consists of quartz monzonite with biotite-hornblende and minor clinopyroxene.

Exploration Target
The Rak Main property has had very little historic exploration. The reconnaissance work conducted by Rackla in 2023 has indicated that the property has potential for RIRGS-style mineralization. In 2024, Rackla plans to conduct further prospecting and a soil geochemical survey to test the potential for gold mineralization on the property.
