Tombstone Gold Belt
The Tombstone Gold Belt is part of the Tintina Gold Province that extends through more than 1000 km of the northern North American Cordillera that includes Alaska, Yukon and the Northwest Territories.
In Yukon and Alaska, the belt is host to a number of large Reduced Intrusion-Related Gold System (RIRGS) deposits. These gold systems are characterized by sheeted, auriferous quartz veins forming in the carapace zones of reduced felsic plutons. They have a characteristic geochemical signature containing Au-Bi-Te-As-W metal assemblage within and surrounding the intrusion and a characteristic geophysical signature of a magnetic low (ie. reduced) and conductivity low centered on the intrusion.
These occurrences can form large, truly world class deposits. Currently, the Fort Knox mine (12 Moz Au) in Alaska is producing from a RIRGS deposit and historically, the Eagle Gold mine (8.8 Moz Au) and Brewery Creek mine (2.16 Moz Au) in Yukon were RIRGS producers.
A recent major discovery by Snowline Gold Corp at their Valley deposit (7.3 Moz) in the Selwyn Basin of Yukon, indicates these deposits can be discrete, yet significant gold occurrences.
Rackla Metals is targeting RIRGS mineralization in the southeastern part of the Belt in eastern Yukon and western Northwest Territories. The company presently owns a portfolio of over 63,000 hectares of multiple high quality exploration targets, within the highly prospective Tombstone Gold Belt.
RIRGS deposits occur in clusters. In Yukon, the western cluster consisting of the Eagle, Aurmac, Brewery Creek, RC Gold, Florin and Raven deposits contains +20 million ounces of gold1. The eastern cluster is being explored by Snowline Gold at their Rogue Plutonic Complex.
Rackla is focused in the O’Grady cluster in the NWT where it recently staked the Grad and OGRE claims. The Grad property is centered over anomalous government regional geochemical survey stream sediment samples and a mid-Cretaceous, Mayo Suite, granite stock. The margin of the intrusion has a sizeable, intensely altered, contact aureole that is expressed as hornfelsed and iron-stained, gossanous Earn Group sediments.
Rackla is continuing to build on this significant land package through staking and strategic acquisitions. Our management team has substantial experience in this belt and has compiled a large historic geochemical and geophysical database to provide a roadmap for discovery.